Building successful partnerships since 2017

Crestwood Capital Advisors provides firms with a suite of professional services from corporate structuring and governance, to strategic planning, commercial measurement, executive leadership/incentivisation and financial/regulatory best practise. This attracting sources of capital and growth and ultimately raising shareholder value.


(+44) 7771 971242

(+44) 1892 536667


Hillside Farm
Franks Hollow Rd
Bidborough TN3 0UB

Tangible Delivery

Providing a full service route to funding to achieve operational accreditation, commercial results, and business awards, CrestCap assists shareholders, executives and their companies with;

  • the implementation of corporate monitoring processes,
  • balanced scorecards for their boards,
  • enterprise dashboards for executive and operational efficiency and,
  • systems protocolling.

Guidance with strategic plannings, business positioning, modelling and regulatory best practice contributes to the building of recognised entities with practicable business information systems and comprehensive data rooms, targeting commercial delivery and capital raising. Alongside the oversight, the focus is technology and the benefits it can provide for efficiencies. This commercial hygiene and transparency, raises efficiencies and invariably enterprise value.


Following the takeout and consolidation of Genghis Capital from Chase Bank Kenya, Ken became a Senior Advisor, instrumental in elevating the Stockbroking business to global best practise, including input into our equity and debt product strategies, the relaunch and oversight of the firm’s research products and protocolling of the stockbroking sales and trading processes. Ken also created linkages with international securities trading units to deepen our client pool. Ken and I remain firm friends, I am grateful for his contribution and highly recommend the skills that he brings.


Jeff Gangla | Chief Executive Officer at Genghis Capital Ltd

I have known Ken for 23 years. We began our investment banking careers together at BoE in South Africa where we worked closely together as Ken was an equity analyst while I was in M&A/Corporate Finance in the same sectors. Ken has always been steadfast about his investment recommendations, be those positive or negative and honest to a fault in his dealings. This has meant he has enjoyed a highly successful investment banking career in London over the last 20 years. In February 2020 he joined Salt Capital as independent Chairman of our Investment Committee. His balanced but rigorous and candid approach is proving invaluable, and we are delighted to have him involved.


Jan Bosch | Managing Partner, Salt Capital

Ken has added tremendous value to the Global Wealth Group over the past four years and has most recently assisted the Leadership Team with the implementation and ongoing accountability of a new OKR process (Objectives and Key Results).” “Ken was also instrumental in supporting Wealth Migrate through the restructure. Ken has always been fiercely committed to the company’s success and been a great supporter of myself as CEO, I really appreciate how much he cared and how much he tried to assist the business. I will never forget this support and commitment from him.


Scott Picken | Chairman of the Board, Global Wealth Group

Ken offers a versatile resource, personal sounding board and brings great energy. He began his career in commerce and industry over 30 years ago with Unilever South Africa, then upskilled and changed into a rewarding 23-year investment banking career in London. He often launched and ran business units and firms, hence developed a good entrepreneurial understanding and empathy. Over the last eight years he has represented several Finance/Fintech and Property/Prop-tech boards as either a INED or Strategy Advisor. Alongside corporate oversight, he has focused on digitalization and the benefits technology brings for efficiencies and ultimately business valuations. As a result, Ken draws on a broad skillset and since joining Luxome has chaired our board of directors, successfully helping shareholder relations, lifting our corporate governance, and raising executive efficiencies as these fit with and fast-track our corporate growth strategy. Ken also offers support and guidance to me as a CEO of the business, and is wonderful confidant when various opportunities and challenges present themselves. In addition he has taken time to guide, support and mentor our management team, who are all significantly better for his involvement. I am delighted to be working with Ken and highly recommend his services.


Punk Takiar | CEO Luxome Limited